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Fitness Equipment

Buy Fitness Equipments Online at

Do you want to bring the gym to your home? Then ShopClues here offers you the latest fitness equipment for your home.

Fitness is not a destination; it is a way of life. If you live by this mantra, then ShopClues exclusive collection of fitness equipment’s online shopping is the way for you. Whether you’re considering building a home gym or just want to do a quick workout before leaving for work, gym equipment are vital for you. ShopClues offer a wide range of fitness equipment brands including Shaman, Deemark, Kamachi, Nivia, Fitfly, and Neoprene that will help you reach your fitness goals.

Cardio training equipment

Cardio offers a great way to start losing weight while refining your health and overall body training.  Treadmills and air bike exercise machine are popular cardio machines and make great add-ons to your home gym. If storage is a problem, then look for fold-up treadmill models. You'll save space by sliding them under your bed. You can buy all these fitness equipment from India’s famous online store ShopClues.

Strength-training equipment

Lifting weights may not be for everyone, but it’s one more great exercise for burning fat and toning your physique.  Essential fitness sets like tummy tuck equipment,dumbbells, and plated weights can help you slash that extra fat from your body. You can find a plethora of home gym models aiming at full-body exercises or definite weight groups.

Balance/core equipment

Essential aerobics have become tremendously popular and can be performed with nothing more than a constancy ball.

These are some of the basic home gym equipment that one should have in store to start their fitness regime. Though, don’t go overboard with your home gym. Many people make the mistake of converting their unused room or vacant garage with top-of-the-range treadmills and other health equipment that they use for two weeks and then leave it to collect dust and cobwebs for the rest of the time.  Instead, if you spend in few of these few essentials home gym set online that match your basic objective, whether its weight loss, forte training or cardio suitability, then it’ll provide you with better results. With ShopClues by your side, building a home gym with a wide assortment of available workout equipment is now a piece of cake.

A variety of brands from like Protoner, Other, iron gym, Champs, Fastero Fitness etc. to suit a wide range of preferences. 1001 - 2500, Above 5000, 2501 - 5000, 251 - 500, 501 - 1000 price range that is tailored to be as affordable as possible. A plethora of needs catered by extensive product lines comprisings of 526 products. Choose from the products like Protoner Rubberised Weight Lifting Package 20 Kgs & 3" Curl Rod, Protoner Rubberised 25 Kg Home Gym Set Gloves Grippers Dumbells Rods 3 Ft Ez Bar (20-29 kg), Protoner Weight Lifting Package 20 Kg With 3 Rods, Gloves, Skipping Ropes & more, Protoner 20 Kg Rubber Dumbells Sets, Protoner Rubberised 26 Kg Home Gym Set Gloves Dumbells Rods 3 Ft Ez Bar that score high on the popularity charts.

List of Best Selling Fitness Equipment price

Latest Fitness Equipment Price
Love4Ride Pushup Bar ₹199
Pelvexiser Standard Exerciser (Pelvik) Pelvic Floor Muscle Exerciser ₹4900
Eastern Club AB Roller, Dual-Wheel with Thick Knee Pad for Abdominal and Core Workout ₹320
Kudos Mini massager ₹149
Strauss Tummy Trimmer ₹449
Strauss Tummy Twister Peddles Pair ₹1199
Eye Exercise AB Roller Combo ₹499
Liboni Double Wheel Red Ab Roller Gym For Exercise Fitness Equipment Workout Ab Exerciser For Men Women ₹389
arnav Wooden Machined Hand Grip Power ₹249
Scorpion 20 kg Gym Kit 20 Kg Home Gym Combo 20kg Home Gym Set Pink Leather Cricket Ball ₹3799


Data last updated on 27/03/2025

List Of Types Of Fitness Equipment Types

Types Of Fitness Equipment
Home Gym 
Ab Exerciser 
Other Fitness Equipments 
Exercise Benches 

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